martes, 21 de julio de 2009

Noticia del Día :)

Appellate Body welcomes new member

Mr Ricardo Ramírez Hernández (Mexico) was sworn in on 20 July 2009 as a Member of the Appellate Body at a ceremony at the WTO.

Mr David Unterhalter (South Africa), Chairman of the Appellate Body, administered the declaration undertaken by Mr Ramírez.

Chairman of the Dispute Settlement Body, Ambassador John Gero of Canada, and Deputy Director-General Alejandro Jara, both congratulated Mr Ramírez and welcomed him as a new Appellate Body Member. They also thanked former Appellate Body Member, Mr Luiz Olavo Baptista (Brazil), who had retired after eight years of valuable service to the WTO.

Official WP of the Mexican, Chilean and Brazilian Migratory Authorities

My dear fellows,
As you would appreciate the official WebPages of the Chilean and Brazilian Migratory Authorities (second and third squares from top to bottom), offer extensive information on English, today's universal business language. That's not the case for the "National Migration Institute" (INAMI), the Mexican Migratory Authority (first square on top).

Well... If the Mexican Government is trying to increase the FDI, wouldn’t it be nice to include the Chinese/English/Portuguese/Italian/French version of the INAMI's webpage?

This is just a thought.....

Today's Lesson - From Student to Professor

Lecciones de un verano en el Tribunal Estatal Electoral del Estado de Nuevo León

"... El realizar prácticas profesionales, nos brinda a nosotros como alumnos un sentido aún más arraigado de la importancia que tienen el compromiso, la responsabilidad y el compañerismo. Hemos aprendido a través de estos dos meses que para llegar a construir nuestras metas es primordial ser comprometido con uno mismo y con aquellos que confían en tí..."
-Andrea García Suárez

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